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Single Sensor Gas Detection

Our range of portable single sensor gas detectors will monitor single gas concentrations and have been designed for ease of use, quick challenge tests, and calibration.

The BW Clip series offers two options:

  • BW Clip provides up to three years of maintenance-free operation and no calibration required,   or the
  • BW Clip Real Time includes a real-time gas level display and the ability to calibrate the device

The GasAlert Extreme has been designed with durability and comfort in mind, this gas detector monitors for any single gas hazard within its wide range of available toxic gas models.

Transmission Risk Air Monitor by Honeywell is a cost-effective monitoring for the risk of exposure to airborne viral particulates in an indoor area.

The ToxiRAE Pro offers the flexibility of easily swappable sensors to monitor for different gases in different situations and has wireless data transmission.

The Acrulog H2S monitors can be used for portable or fixed gas monitoring applications, available in PPM and PPB models.

Only need a gas monitor short term? We HIRE a range of detectors for short and long-term periods.

Don't forget to keep your gas detector calibration up to date to ensure continued reliability.


Models and gases detected include: 


Honeywell BW Solo

Honeywell BW Solo

Honeywell Analytics

Single gas detector series that provides Wireless Blue Tooth (BLE) connectivity. Monitoring for a variety of gases all in one easy to use, light weight unit.


BW Clip

BW Clip

Honeywell Analytics

Single gas detector series that provides up to three years maintenance-free operation: just turn on the device for continual operation. No sensor/battery replacement or battery charging.


ToxiRAE Pro

ToxiRAE Pro

Honeywell Analytics

Single gas detectors from Honeywell's RAE systems range of portable gas detection are compact, reliable and easy to use offering the flexibility of easily swappable sensors.


Transmission Risk Air Monitor

Transmission Risk Air Monitor

Honeywell Analytics

A cost-effective monitor for use in schools and restaurants that alerts users when conditions are present that may increase the risk of exposure to airborne viral transmission in an indoor area.


Si-CD3 Gas Leak Detector

Si-CD3 Gas Leak Detector


The Si-CD3 gas leak detector is perfect for quickly and easily detecting even the slightest leaks of various combustible gases (methane, propane, isobutane, LPG & other hydrocarbons).  


SPM Flex Chemcassette

SPM Flex Chemcassette

Honeywell Analytics

Tape based gas detector for improving safety and productivity with the most flexible, user-friendly tape-based gas detector for low-level toxics.


H2S PPB Monitoring

H2S PPB Monitoring


Portable H2S PPB gas detector, easy to use gas monitors that have been designed to survive in the harshest of environments like those found within Waste Water and Mining applications.


H2S PPM Monitoring

H2S PPM Monitoring


Portable H2S PPM gas detector, easy to use gas monitors that have been designed to survive in the harshest of environments like those found within Waste Water and Mining applications.



Superseded Single Gas Monitors:

Due to the continual evolution of the Gas Detection Monitoring industry, our suppliers will from time to time discontinue a model or range. Below is a list of models that Aegis has sold and listed on our website.

This list has been provided for your information and includes either the end-of-life date (EOL) or the end-of-service date (ESD).

Distributor & Name of Single Gas Detector Model End of Life [EOL] End of Service [ESD] Alternate
Honeywell BW GasAlert Extreme 30th Sep 2019 30th Sep 2021 BW Solo