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G7 Calibration Dock for G7c and G7x Lone Worker Gas Detectors

Blackline Safety Australia G7 Dock for bump test, calibration, charging

Bump Test, Calibrate, Charge your G7c & G7x devices

The Blackline Safety G7 Dock is the simple solution to calibrating, bump testing and charging your G7 devices. It is one of the most affordable and compact docking stations available, the G7 Dock arrives ready to perform - requiring no initial setup and it can manage up to four single or multi-gas cylinders. Docks can be used with both the G7c and G7x devices, and will support G7 Single-gas or Quad-gas cartridges. 

Intuitive design

The G7 Dock helps keep devices fully compliant according to legislation and business calibration and bump test policies. Managing calibrations, bump tests and device updates is as easy as inserting the G7 device into the dock allowing the dock to the rest. It will automatically charge the device and will place it into a test-ready mode to eliminate any false alerts.

The Dock’s simple design leverages the G7 devices LCD screen, menus and navigation system. Calibrations and bump tests are straightforward, performed by placing G7 into the dock and closing the lid. If the device is due for a bump or calibration, it will automatically perform the required test action when dock’s lid is closed.

Internet connection is not required for the G7 Dock and it also doesn’t need to be connected to the Blackline Safety Network to perform calibrations or bump tests. All data is communicated through the connected G7 devices via cellular or satellite networks.


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Offering a connected, all-in-one solution

Blackline Safety has designed the G7 Dock to provide economical use of calibration gas, with a low flow rate and it leverages the Blackline Live cloud-hosted monitoring portal to update configurations and store G7 device test data for compliance tracking and reporting.

Default configuration is for a multi-gas mixture, although it will also support single-gas setups. Each dock has five ports at the back of the device - four gas inlets and one outlet for exhausting calibration gas. The G7 Dock can be configured to manage up to four single-gas cylinders. Many organisations leverage the convenience of multi-gas mixtures while others employ single-gas cylinders for the improved cost of detector testing and calibration.

Compliance reporting made easy

Compliance reporting has never been so easy when the G7 Dock facilitates bump tests, calibrations and general device data reporting. The G7 device is inserted into the G7 Dock a test action is completed, the device will automatically stream calibration and bump test logs in real-time back to the Blackline Safety Live portal.

Gas inlet settings can be configured by Blackline’s Customer Care team. Dock’s server-stored configurations are updated when a G7 device is inserted, and update is selected from G7’s menu screen.

Multi Dock set-ups

When simultaneous bump testing, calibration and other test functions are required for multiple G7s devices you can join up to five G7 Docks with connection to the one gas cylinder, allowing for the test functions to be performed across all of the connected devices. The G7 Docks in a multi dock set-up act independently of each other meaning that the docks connected to the same gas cylinder can perform bump tests and calibrations at the same time without interfering with each other.

G7 Calibration Dock by Blackline Safety available in Australia