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Accessories for Budenberg Dead-Weight Testers

Aegis Sales & Service have a range of Budenberg Dead Weight Tester Accessories for use in the assistance of calibration, protection and storage of Budenberg Dead Weight Testers.

Our accessory range include: oil seals, hand pumps, gauge stands, motor drives, vacuum adaptors, carry cases, tool rolls and air/liquid interfaces.

You can download the accessory guide here.


DOWNLOAD PDF  for the Budenberg Dead Weight Accessories



Budenberg Dead Weight Tester Oil Seal rated 700 barOIL SEAL

Rated 700 bar

Liquid to liquid interface used to protect the instrument under calibration from mineral oil and/or to protect the Dead-Weight tester from contamination.


Oil Seal for Budenberg Dead Weight TestersOIL SEAL

Rated to 1200bar

Liquid to liquid interface used to protect the instrument under calibration from mineral oil and/or to protect the Dead-Weight tester from contamination.


Air or Liquid interface for Budenberg Dead Weight TestersAIR / LIQUID INTERFACE

Rated to 25bar

Air to liquid interface used to protect the dead-weight tester from contamination, and/or low pressure calibration with liquid as the pressure medium.


Pneumatic & Hydraulic Hand pumps for Budenberg BG100 digital gaugeHAND PUMPS

BG100 digital gauge compatible

Pneumatic hand pumps ranging from -800mbar to 40bar. / Hydraulic hand pump ranging from 0 to 700bar. Available as pump kit with carrying case and adaptor set.


Two gauge stand for simultaneous calibrationTWO GAUGE STAND

Simultaneous Calibration

The Dual Gauge stand is used for when simultaneous calibration of two instruments is required. Stainless Steel adaptors. Available in Metric, BSP & NPT thread.


Motor Drive for Budenberg Dead Weight TestersMOTOR DRIVE

BGH700 and BGH1200 compatible

Used with BGH700 and BGH1200 Dead-Weight testers to provide continual rotation of the piston-cylinder unit and mass set.


Vacuum Adaptor for Budenberg Dead Weight TestersVACUUM ADAPTOR

For use with BGP1

The Vacuum adaptor when used with a BGP1 Dead-Weight tester and vacuum pump, can be used to calibrate negative gauge pressure instruments.


Heavy Duty Carry Case for Budenberg Dead Weight TestersCARRY CASE

Protection / Storage

Heavy duty, rugged and weather proof carry case for protection and the safe transportation of dead-weight tester base and or weights.

Budenberg Dead Weight tester tool rollTOOL ROLL

Standard Supply

This standard tool kit comprises of spanners, BSP adaptors, spare seals, gauge pointer punch and pointer puller. An angled connection for panel mounted gauges is available as an addition to the tool roll.